Campus News · Community News · Feature · Sports

Student Athletes Break Records in track

Caileane Thurston lantern staff At Butler CC college there is a variety of sports and activities that students are involved in. Athletes continue to pursue their passion in sports such as track and field, basketball, football, baseball, soccer and more. This year, track regionals were at Pittsburg University on Friday, Feb 16. through Sunday. Feb… Continue reading Student Athletes Break Records in track


Disappointing end in post-season for men’s basketball

Clarck Leubou lantern staff The Butler Grizzlies men’s basketball team season is over, with an overall record of 23-9. It is a disappointing end after losing in the region semifinals 79-76, on Friday March15. It was a close game, but ultimately their mistakes were too big to overcome . The Head Coach is Kyle Fisher,… Continue reading Disappointing end in post-season for men’s basketball

Community News · Feature

Exemplary educator honored: Instructor receives excellence award

Caileane Thurston lantern staff Susan L. Forrest, the esteemed professor of biology at Butler CC, has been recognized with a prestigious excellence award for her outstanding contributions to teaching within the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics. With her unwavering dedication and passion for education, Forrest has not only imparted knowledge but also inspired countless… Continue reading Exemplary educator honored: Instructor receives excellence award


Pushing the Boundaries: Diverse Opinions on Professional Media and Journalism Ethics

Caileane Thurston lantern staff Everyday the world is being impacted by the spread of misinformation. Journalists play a major role in society that discusses the pursuit of the truth. Knowing the real truth and facts, gives relevant news and information to the people. For example, some student publications have been shut down because they wrote… Continue reading Pushing the Boundaries: Diverse Opinions on Professional Media and Journalism Ethics


Colleen Hoover’s books ignite debates: clash over content and themes

Oseli Bencomo lantern staff New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover is popular for her romance books.Hoover’s main audience is primarily teen girls. Several of her book’s dive into complex situations that involve many emotional and dark themes. Hoover is praised on the internet for her books, recently there has been some controversy.Hoover’s most known… Continue reading Colleen Hoover’s books ignite debates: clash over content and themes


Professionalism in sports: Views on acceptable behavior for athletes shift

Clarck Leubou lantern staff Sports have become an important part of our society. It is the closest thing we have to watching war without it being deathly, for the most part. The schemes, the plays, the tactics all indicate how minds think towards winning and defeating opponents. So, of course this is all governed by… Continue reading Professionalism in sports: Views on acceptable behavior for athletes shift


Grizzlies fight to the end: Fall just shy of victory

Clarck Leubou lantern staff The Butler Grizzlies women’s basketball team traveled this Saturday, Feb. 24, for their game opposing the Independence Pirates. This was a disappointing loss because it went to overtime and they had every chance to win, but ultimately let the moment slip away, making their record 20-7. The Pirates came out with… Continue reading Grizzlies fight to the end: Fall just shy of victory


Grizzlies dominate Indy, earning their fifth straight win

Lehener Arsenio lantern staff The Grizzlies played the Independence Pirates this Saturday, Feb 24 at the Power Plant. The Grizzlies came off a four-game winning streak, and locker room energy was filled with confidence and positivity. They hoped to translate that confidence into a game winning result, which they managed to do so. The game… Continue reading Grizzlies dominate Indy, earning their fifth straight win


Society should normalize mental health treatments

Caileane Thurston lantern staff In a world that prioritizes physical health over mental health, we should switch over to prioritizing mental health check-ins as a number one priority. In today’s society many adults, teenagers and even children have all struggled with mental health. It is crucial to tend to our mental health just like we… Continue reading Society should normalize mental health treatments

Campus News · Feature

Butler of Andover welcomes new librarian

Baylor Henry Editor-in-Chief With a background rich in literature and learning, Lizabeth Sprague has brought her talents to Butler CC, as a research and instruction librarian for Butler of Andover. “My background includes a small collection of degrees: a bachelor’s in English literature and in film studies, both from KU, a master’s in teaching from… Continue reading Butler of Andover welcomes new librarian